CMSA Code of Conduct
Code of Conduct
All CMSA members have the right to a safe and healthy environment to participate in sports and recreational activities. CMSA, its league and game officials and participants, have an obligation to promote mutual respect, tolerance, and acceptance. CMSA expects members to abide by the following Code of conduct.
Members shall:
- Promote the reputation of CMSA and take all possible steps to prevent the organization from being brought into disrepute.
- Not use foul or abusive language or gestures toward league and game officials, players, managers, or spectators.
- Not take any action which is likely to intimidate, insult, humiliate, or discriminate against participants, league and game officials, or spectators for any reason, including on the basis of sexual orientation, gender, gender identity, race, disability, age, religious or political belief, ethnic origin, social background, language, or marital status through words or action.
- Not possess weapons during league play or CMSA sponsored events.
- Not participate in league play while intoxicated or unable to participate in a manner that is safe for the participant and others.
- Follow the policies and expectations of all venues at which CMSA sports or events are held.
- If a player should intentionally or unintentionally cause any significant injury to another player through physical contact, especially injuries which involve bleeding or require hospitalization, then the players involved in the incident may be removed from play, and the injury must be reported to the CMSA board of directors.
- No Board Member, Commissioner, or Committee Member may insert themselves into an athletic event under the authority of their position except when necessary for player safety, for consistency in the application of the rules of play, or at the request of an official involved in the event.
Those who witness acts in violations of the Code of Conduct should take steps to intervene if it is safe to do so. Violations should be reported immediately to league or game officials.
Any member, captain, or league leader who engages in any of the aforementioned actions may be subject to disciplinary action up to and including suspension and/or expulsion from CMSA. Members are responsible for making sure that any non-member they invite to a CMSA event complies with this Code of Conduct.
- March 12 2025 - Updated